My fascination with fragrance has been a lifelong love affair. When I was little, it wasn't just the smells that enchanted me—it was everything about them: their language and how they told stories with each aroma, what people wore to express themselves, and the memories they invoke. From mixing and playing with my mother's perfume when I was little -which drove her crazy- to creating and imagining my own unique scents and learning more about different forms of expressions and seeing how people are drawn to the scent, it's even more special. The number of compliments is surprising but also makes me want to create fragrances in different ways!
Growing up, traveling around, meeting new people, I have realized that scents, perfumes, and fragrances can invoke conversations, memories, and experiences. Scents can be associated with a particular time and place, where we were, and who we interacted with. It can remind us of experiences over which we still hold deep feelings for years after! Scents are not just perceived: they're markers of our pasts and our daydreams. I started AMAKIN to inspire people about the places we come from through home fragrances that not only smell but connect us and transform our memories into something beautiful.